Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Outside Bay Nearshore Mooring

Just a note to remind the field crew that Fei Chai's biological model is assimilating nearshore mooring data. Thus it is important to download the Rob Campbell's nearshore mooring in Outside Bay every evening. The logger is a SBE16+ V2, which uses the 5 pin seabird connector. Every boat in the field program should have this cable. If not I have a spare on the Auklet.

Mark H


  1. Rob C is working on popping out all the recent Chlorophyl readings for each of these stations today.

  2. Lasted Chlorophyl values can now be obtained from the PI data page. Will work on production of daily CSV files during the evening processing.

  3. Just to clarify that the Chlorophyl data are used to validate the coupled circulation and biogeochemical model. To assimilate the biological data is still a research task.
