Saturday, July 25, 2009

Daily Summary of PWS Forecasting

East to southeast winds over the region have decreased to 10 knots or less this morning.
However, another intense low pressure area is rapidly approaching and winds are forecast to rapidly increase later this afternoon and tonight. Winds are forecast to decrease nearly as rapidly on Sunday. The wind direction is forecast to change little through the weekend. ROMS nowcasts (HF radar data missing) and available drifter trajectories suggest that the surface ocean flow within the central PWS continues to be generally northward to northwestward and the forecasts call for this general flow to continue and increase some in association with the forecast increase in winds this weekend. Recent glider observations have confirmed the existence of higher surface salinity waters in the central Sound that have been suggested by the ROMS nowcasts for the past few days.
Comparisons of newly available drifter trajectories with ROMS computed trajectories show reasonable agreement (see images below for start time of 2009072318, end time 2009072418). The tidal range at all stations is slowly decreasing from its recent peak.
There were no significant operational issues today.

A more detailed summary report can be found at the JPL OurOcean Portal,

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