Tuesday, July 21, 2009

GNOME comparison of ROMS and HFR

We uploaded a GNOME movie of the currents for PWS into the ftp site. The area is the HFR data coverage area.
There are two sets of currents, one from ROMS and the other from HFR. As you flip through the frames, the velocities on the finer grid is from ROMS, the current vectors on the coarser grid is from the HFR data at the same time.

The differences are obvious. We don't know which is closer to reality. In an actual spill of oil we would compare everything back to the how the oil was moving.

Glen Watabayashi
John Whitney

1 comment:

  1. Information is now available via http://penguin.sfos.uaf.edu/output/pws/Watabayashi/
